Are you the hunky type or the dirty froglet? Surely the first one will not have problems bringing home a lady to warm him for the lingering and chilly night, but for the latter, it takes some time to improve a skill to bring home the bacon, he needs first to master not the skill of romance but the skill of saying the naughty hitting-on lines. Yes, strangely this crazy act benefits for some girls, girls who are sometimes way hotter than your pretty girl-next-door. However, before using this string of words to most girls you meet, think again. Some ladies may want to hear your sexy banters but at the end of the day, more ladies assume that it pays to exhaust that tactic before a series of dinners and not on the onset of the dating process unless you want a real painful slap on the face.
Note that when getting to know a girl you fancy, honesty is still the best policy. If you are hoping to score on a gorgeous woman sitting on the couch of the hottest bar in the city you must be certain of yourself that you definitely want to charm her not only with your dirty pick up tactics but with your full knowledge and sense of humor. Surely most women want a person they can converse with for lengthened moments, someone who can make them giggle without associating to this and that phallic symbol or a particular deity or cracking a naughty joke about penises and vaginas. Doing these acts will certainly repel the ladies you want away from you in a few seconds that is certain.
if you want to be close to her and know her more, dont bother with the flirty pick up lines, instead make a way for her to notice you in a special manner. Let her feel special, pamper her with truthful complements (not the clichd, Oh, you looked sexy hot kind of complement but the honest, you are amazing or you are beautiful can do the trick).
Also work out your sense of humor and cleverness, tell her experiences, tales, sincere yet real that will surely catch her soft traits and stimulate her humor. Dont bother making her laugh with jokes using sex implications unless you have known the other for several months or years. By keeping it sincere and cool women in all shapes and form will definitely turn their direction on you once you walk in an area full of handsome looking men.
In addition, ladies are not made to see like men do, your idea of a joke is very dissimilar from them and very few ladies find obscenities sexy. Many ladies feel that men should offer them the esteem they merit, they know youre interested in them genuinely not because they dress up scantily or theyre attractive but because you both get along well as a pair, and that she is sweet and clever also.
So curb the tendency of doing the dirty trick. In truth this wont fly, youll only hurt her thoughts.