Join me in kissing her ass goodbye. Slap it silly. It’s been a long year for most, if not all, of us. I call 2009 a financial money misery. I don’t know what negative energy circled this recession year but it caused a plunk in the money misery meter all over the world. Some places even twice over.
I don’t know anyone who hasn’t been affected by the economy. And if they say they haven’t, I don’t think they really thought it through. For me I have no trouble slapping 2009’s bee-otch ass goodbye! Perhaps kicking it off into oblivion might even feel better. Not everyone feels that way though.
Take for instance my neighbors who are both employed. One is a nurse in a city hospital and the other a commercial airline pilot. Both have told me that they haven’t experienced any recession affect at all. My reaction: Really? I don’t believe you.
They might believe that they are free from its grips but I don’t believe that they are exempt from the strong drop of the value of our money and the ripple effect throughout the world. Perhaps people haven’t been really conscious of how we are all interconnected in the first place. My neighbors were installing their new satellite dish on their house while another neighbor next door to them were getting their cable services downgraded to the bare bones.
What is happening around people is affecting everyone. Imported goods become more expensive as transportation costs skyrocket. Services are cut where the number of out of business signs and the number of leased spaces available at once popular shopping malls grows. I know a jeweler who said that this past December’s Christmas rush was no rush at all. He said it was the worst Christmas for sales in 20 years.
The most we can do personally is to change where we don’t like to be. Get rid that money misery. Create that new and loving relationship with your own finances. A new year is that perfect starting point for people to think hard about how to build and safely keep a money nest to use for emergencies. Just know that adopting new habits takes time and effort. So it’s not overnight work. That’s why 2010 is a virgin with no debt—yet.
Get your reality checked. While some need a swift kick in the ass to get them moving on a different financial track, others just need to start taking charge of their finances from the get-go. Think about it. With less money, you have to think of more creative ways in planning your first date not to mention all the dates after it.
You can’t wish away your money misery but you can take its reins. Control what you do today—and tomorrow—about it. Ignoring it will just make 2010 another ass to kiss off.
By Paige_Me