So you think you’re a cunning sexual explorer and already know all the great places, ways and positions to be having sex? Maybe you’re right. I hope for you that that’s not true…it would be sad to think you’ve already covered everything. It is with the hope of infusing a little extra jolt of “oh my” into your love life that I present you with my top five places to get busy. A few classics, a few new ones…happy humping, friends!
1. On your desk at work
Have to stay late at the office one night? Invite you’re sweetie over “to meet you for a late dinner” and surprise them by pouncing on them right on top of your desk. Aside from the taboo, I-could-so¬-get-fired-for-this, steaminess of the act, you’ll always have your sexy office kitten gone bad memories during long, dreary days in the future.
2. In a room with mirrors
Now I personally have a very movable, very innocent looking full length mirror in my room, just for this purpose. I figure it’s a little forward and a little less discreet than I’d like to just plaster the walls and ceiling with mirrors but I’m not going to say it hasn’t been tempting at times. I’m amazed how many people are afraid to watch themselves have sex. Videotaping is great and all but mirrors make it like watching a super hot porno that you’re in…and you’re feeling it all at the same time. Win.
3. In an airplane restroom
The Mile-High Club is a classic for a reason. Between the proximity of dozens of people who could potentially hear you and the built-in bumpy up-and-down-ness, there’s no way this romp doesn’t turn out to be incredibly hot. Trying to sneak in and out of that tiny little space in front of everyone, and keeping quiet while you in there, make every second, before, during and after, a sexual treat. And even if the closet-sized room to work with doesn’t exactly give you room to be at your technical best, the two of you will always have the sneaky fun memory.
4. On the hood of a car
If you haven’t done this, it likely means that you haven’t engaged in foreplay in an automobile. And that makes me sad for you. Because it can be amazing. Granted, you should be careful when touching and teasing behind the wheel but that’s a big part of the fun. Next time you’re driving home with your significant other, go for it. What starts as playful kissing and nuzzling can quickly escalate to things you certainly wouldn’t want to get pulled over doing. Chances are, by the end of the ride, you won’t be able to make it in the house. That’s the sexy part of getting busy on the hood of a car: it’s not the most scandalous or comfortable location but it just screams “I couldn’t wait, I had to have you before we could even get to the bedroom”.
5. On a mountain/by a beach/in a field, at sunset
Well, now I’ve gone and had to make it all romantic. It’s okay. We can be romantic for a minute. The truth is, we all grow up watching movies and reading books where these wildly picturesque sex scenes are the thing. And sadly, modern times have almost entirely cheated us out of the grandness of old school courtship, sex and romance. So damn it, even if it seems a little trite, find that beautiful sunset, look lovingly into each other’s eyes and win a few points back for the modern romantics. Plus, the overwhelming nature vibe and beautiful surroundings are sure to get your senses heightened, making the overall experience pretty transcendent.