Call it official: I don’t know what the heck to think about gender anymore. I really don’t think it exists the way it used to. We now live in a society where men can become women, women can become men, either can exist as an androgynous, unidentifiable middle ground and no one bats a press-on eyelash about it, and increasingly, people are able to marry whomever they so choose and put together all kinds of tasty familial configurations.
I like it. We went from just boys and girls to an ever-broadening array of sex. I’m a fan of this gender Pu Pu platter, personally. It’s way more interesting, and is making lots of folks very happy who were once unhappy in the box they were born in. So rock on.
Turns out that identity and persona aren’t the only evolving aspects of sexuality right now; science is picking up on this game. Two relatively recent gender phenomena: PMS for dudes and ejaculation for the gals. Seriously? Seriously. Read on:
Hahahahaha. Giggle, giggle, snort, giggle. Eat that, men! After millions of years of thinking we’re the weaker sex for our susceptibility to hormonal fluctuations (those hormonal fluctuations are what caused your ass to be born, by the way), we now possess the scientific information to tell you that you are no better.
Okay, I’m sorry, PMS is the most royally annoying thing ever, so I’ll be nice to the gentlemen now. Turns out, men have very similar ups and downs in their hormone levels, both estrogen and testosterone (yes, you do have estrogen, you sexy ladyboys). It just wasn’t so clear to us in years gone by because the dudes don’t have a period that we needed to figure out (which was how we discovered, and marked, female PMS to begin with).
Called Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS), symptoms are roughly the same as they are for women: stress, hypersensitivity, mood swings, anxiety, headaches, bloating…oh yeah, all the good ones. Don’t worry, guys, we won’t tell anyone if you wanna eat french fries and have yourself a good cry while watching My Girl. It’s okay.
Female Ejaculation
Last night, I reconnected with a friend I hadn’t talked to in several months (shame on me) and, in typical him-style, it took approximately 3.5 seconds of catching up for him to jump into an epic story about a recent hook-up. I won’t give you nearly the graphic details he bestowed upon my unsuspecting ears but it involved an impromptu dance party, a stripper who didn’t exactly have a no-touching rule, a late night visit to his painting studio and ended in that elusive beast known as female ejaculation.
Believe me, his description of said event made me glad that (personal over-share time!) I, for one, have never experienced this mystery of the female orgasm. Don’t get me wrong: I can climax like a rock star. But this whole “actually ejaculating” thing is foreign to me. So I set about to do a little research.
Apparently, people have known about this since ancient times. There are references to female ejaculation (sorry, I’m so not going to call it “squirting”. Ew.) in the Bible, documents from the Sui Dynasty in China, and so on. The weird thing: all this time later, scientists are still unsure as the exact nature and source of this fluid. We do know that it (duh) has something to do with having an orgasm and that it comes out through and around the urethra. It is also theorized to be associated with another maybe-mythical sex creature, the G-Spot.
Turns out, there is quite a bit of feminist controversy surrounding the research and understanding and overall scientific opinion of female ejaculation. Some women feel that the studies and research done on the matter have been grossly male-brained, overwriting female experience and perspective and not letting enough of the women get in on the info writing. Test samples have been small and sparse. In short, not a whole heck of a lot has been done, medical research-wise, to figure out what is going on with the lady ejaculate. So for now, while it is confirmed that is does in fact exist, the whys and hows are still up in the air.
By Jessi_bee