Dude Food: Powerful Foods To Keep Your Man Game Up

I’ve spent more time and energy than I care to admit going over all the ins and outs of putting good things in my body. Being healthy and conscious about my well-being is something that has always been very important to me. Not to brag or anything, but I’m pretty much a hardcore health badass when it comes to being a healthy chick and have no trouble checking of "smokin' hot" on my internet dating profile. Well, in theory at least, but that’s another story.

But what I’ve recently realized is my boyfriend has no idea what constitutes a well-balanced diet. He’s one of those infuriating human anomalies who can eat nothing but junk and somehow never get sick and look smokin’ hot. Argh. But that, of course, doesn’t mean he’s necessarily healthy. I plan on him being around for a good long time to come so I’ve been trying to make him realize that some changes to what he puts in his body might be wise things to try. This, and a general desire to want all of my guy friends to be fierce forces of health and virility, has gotten me digging around to learn about healthy eating for men specifically.

So here you are men. Here are a few of the most important foods to include in your diet to be at your fittest and foxiest:

Really low in calories and packed with important, cancer-fighting nutrients. Plus, it’s super easy to throw in a salad, on a burger, in soups…you don’t have to try too hard to integrate this stuff into your pre-existing diet.

They’re already shaped like one of your favorite personal possessions ever, men, so obviously nature is trying to tell you that you’re meant to be really friendly with this fruit. They’re full of that good-for-you fat and potassium to keep your bulging muscles happy and fit. And they’re delicious and easy to take with you wherever you go.

When eaten raw (you’re a man, you can do it!) this magical veggie has intense doses of folate and betaine, which work together to decrease the levels of homocysteine, a nasty substance that buggers up your arteries and heart, in your blood. For an extra little kick of nutrients, eat the stems and leaves too.

No, it doesn’t count in “bun” form. If you can separate this spice from its sugary buddies (just sprinkle it in your coffee or on your healthy cereal), it can seriously decrease the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood, in addition to beefing up your body’s ability to metabolize sugar by up to 20 times.
Prunes…no, Dried Plums

Sorry, I won’t call them prunes because of all the icky connotations. Poor little dried plums…they don’t deserve those associations. But anyway, old people and bathroom things aside, these fruits are pretty amazing. They beat down on cell-destroying, cancer-causing free radicals. And yes, they have heaps of fiber.

By Jessi_bee