The 5 Types Of Friends You Absolutely Must Have

I know, I know: in real life, most people are a mix of all of these types. No one is one thing all the time. But most people do actually have a dominant feature to their personality and it’s not so hard to tell what that is.

Ideally, our friends compliment us in that they make up for areas where maybe we are lacking. Friends give each other what they need. It’s just what you do. So to make sure you’re getting the maximum mileage from your gaggle of gal pals, be sure they include at least one of each other these:
1.The Bitchy, Tell-It-Like-It-Is Friend

This girl is an essential part of any posse for two main reasons: 1) her snarky commentary will provide endless comic relief to any situation, and 2) sometimes you really do need to hear “how it is”. And this is the girl who is going to give it to you straight. Sure, these femmes can be a handful occasionally, and they might need reminding that you can let some things slide, but generally, they’re funny, fiercely loyal to their gal pals and can always be counted on to let you know when your new boyfriend is a loser.
2.The Idealist Friend

You know this lady. She’s the one who, despite all the breakups, still believes her Prince Charming is coming; even after the continuous ups and downs with her boss, still thinks her job is the best; and although there is sadness and suffering all over the world, she maintains her belief in the goodness in people. God, how annoying. I’m kidding (kind of). Seriously, even if sometimes their idealism can come off as naïve, having at least one person like this around you at all times is good for you. It can balance out any cynical tendencies you might have and keep part of you rooted on the sunny side.
3.The Kinda Slutty Friend

Whether we like it or not, we all go through periodic sex slumps. Those sad, vibrator-filled days when, either from being too busy or too unlucky, we simply aren’t getting any. And it’s during these days that you’ll be counting your blessing that you have your sexaholic fem-bot friend. I’m not saying to go around befriending the dirty crackhead on the corner who turns tricks…I’m talking about a smart, confident, sexy active and open woman. Not someone who sleeps around for validation or out of insecurity, either. Those women need therapy, not encouragement.

But if you’ve got a buddy who loves sex and is very vocal about sharing her love of sex with her friends, you’ve got a great commodity. Listening to her escapades can be like hearing stories of springtime in the middle of winter. Hint: she’ll also be great to live vicariously through if you’re mid-relationship too.
4.The Good-With-Numbers Friend

If you’re anything like me, you and numbers aren’t best friends. But somewhere out there, people exist who always remember when bills are due, know how to pay their taxes, realize when they’re getting ripped off, and even know how budget. Maybe these sound like perfectly reasonable things to some of you but I know others out there are reading this and thinking, “I wish I could get all that together.”

That’s why you must have a numbers friend. Someone who’s practical (but still fun, hopefully), who can help you file taxes over drinks. Remember not to end up using this person…they’re your friend, not your accountant.
5.The Dude Friend

Every woman needs to have at least one good guy friend. At least one. I would say to make it someone you haven’t even slept with but I know that for a lot of people, having been physically intimate with someone helps them feel more comfortable with them and actually helps the friendship. So this person should either be someone you’ve never done the dirty with the deed should be so far past that you are 100% sure neither of you has any lingering weird or romantic or jealous feelings towards the other.

This is important because one of the primary functions of a male friend is to give you a man’s perspective when guys in your dating life are confusing you. If your friend still has it bad for you, he’s not going to be give you objective advice. Other than love life issues, having a close male friend is like having a brother; he’s always on your side and gives you fabulous masculine companionship without all the sexual undertones of other men. It’s like a normal order of man, but with a generous side portion of comfort.

By Jessi_bee