Today's tip is for those couples that are willing to try new things and are very secure within their relationships. A threesome, if done correctly, can provide couples with a creative new way to explore their inner carnal desires.
So, you'd like to coax your woman into getting naughty and nasty with a third party? It could be an extremely difficult goal to attain. However, if your woman is very open-minded and sexually explicit, initiating a threesome can be a very simple task.
Threesomes aren't for everyone
First off, if your significant other isn't a very sexually open-minded individual, then it's quite unlikely that she'll be bringing another woman home any time soon. For instance, if she doesn't accept you ejaculating in her face, swallowing, or worse yet, giving fellatio altogether, then we suggest that you don't even bother suggesting the idea of a threesome.
If you do broach the topic and she's less than enthusiastic about the idea, then it's likely that you'll end up having your own little threesome for some time to come -- you and both of your hands. After all, if she refuses to let in you in anally, why in the world would she accept another woman in the boudoir?
Sorry guys, but some women will simply refuse to get involved in a situation that they believe is a potential threat to their relationship. If you know your girl well, then you can probably predict whether or not she'd be delighted with the idea of licking another woman's privates, or better yet, watching another woman lick yours.
Double your pleasure
For the rest of you who are pretty sure that your women will be keen on the idea of bringing another sexy vixen into the bedroom, here's the lowdown on how to bring up the idea.
Before anything, remember that you shouldn't act overenthusiastic, otherwise your girl might feel like this is your way of saying, "I want to cheat on you -- with your permission, of course." No matter how you bring it up, make sure that your girl knows that she is what matters most.
Gradually begin discussing sex and sexual fantasies. Put your fantasies out on display so that she can get an idea of what you like. When you begin discussing the date for three, don't say something like: "I've always wanted to bang two chicks at the same time!" You should know what to say and the repercussions of being part of a threesome.
load the lesbian lingo
Instead say something like: "I would love to see you kissing another woman." This will flatter her and she won't feel threatened or as though you're dying to get into another woman's pants. This way, you get the bonus of joining in at some point once they're into it. If she's open to the whole "lesbian experience", then she'll concentrate more on the excitement of being with another woman, rather than "my man wants to have sex with another woman."
Your objective here is to make her understand that you do not want another woman (even though that's probably the furthest thing from the truth), you simply want the experience of two women.
Now, if you're lucky enough to have the opportunity to set something like this up, she obviously has to be the decision-maker on who the other woman will be.
Oh, and a word of advice for the oblivious at heart: Don't, we repeat don't push for someone considerably more attractive than your woman. She will only feel insecure and renege on the whole idea and once again, you'll be left with the "hairy palms" ordeal.
three may be a crowd
The following are the potential repercussions that may come with engaging in a threesome:
* You're left out: It's possible that the two women may be getting off on each other so intensely that they'll forget you're even in the room. Believe us, it happens more often than you think.
* You lose respect for her: After the experience, it's possible that she may move from being the "girl I'm going to marry" to the "party girl." There are chauvinists amongst us and when we see a girl doing questionable things sexually, we habitually judge and condemn them for it. Blame it on years of evolution, or a lack thereof.
* She plays for the other team -- permanently: Some women are into the whole aspect of being with another woman, but sometimes the woman may decide that she actually prefers the bush rather than the snake.
* She becomes extremely jealous: Depending on how things go, your woman can become very jealous because you either paid too much attention to the other woman or the other woman paid too much attention to you.
* You become extremely jealous: Because you may get left out of the entire tryst altogether, you may become jealous due to the fact that you were neglected.
* Your relationship disintegrates: It's possible that you or she will realize that perhaps there's someone out there who is better suited to your needs -- at least sexually speaking.
Well, there you have it: a nice and easy way of attaining what you want through cunning means. Remember that there may be some serious repercussions following the ordeal so make certain that this is what you really want.
Until next time, remind your woman that all good things come in threes!